Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rachel has tagged me.
The rules are:

Post the rules on your blog
Write 6 random things about yourself
Tag 6 people at the end of your post
If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag

1) I can't stand to have my toe nails unpainted but I can't stand to have my fingernails painted. On the rare occasions when I do paint my finger nails I usually end up removing the paint within the hour regardless of what color I use.

2) My handwritten notes always have to look nice. It irritates me when a word doesn't look nice or match the look of the rest of what I've written so I often erase the offending word and rewrite it. It gets very irritating in classes where I have to write fast to keep up with what's being said.

3) When I'm painting or coloring a large swath of space one color I can't merely work from one side to the other. I have to color other random spots in between and then color in the rest by enlarging those spots to meet each other. I feel like that makes it faster and less boring.

4) When I'm off running mundane errands (like grocery shopping) I like to sing the Indiana Jones theme song (or other adventurous tunes) to make it seem less boring. When I do this I almost always end up inadvertantly making weird faces and pretending to battle unseen foes around every corner. Somehow I manage to not run into many other shoppers while doing this.

5) I'm mildly afraid of toilets. I'm fine with ones that flush quietly but I hate the explosive flushers- they always startle me even when I've just pushed the toggle (aka "lever") and am expecting the loud flush and I have to escape stall as quickly as possible.

6) I can't stand to wear shoes inside. THis is a habit that has carried over from my trip to Thailand two years ago. I feel rude wearing shoes inside anyone else's home and I just feel uncomfortable wearing shoes in my own home. I also don't like to let people see the bottoms of my old dirty shoes- for example, if I'm wearing a well used pair of flip flops I have to take them off if I'm going to lift my foot up high enough for people to see the bottom of it because I feels rude making them see nasty shoe soles.

Unfortunately I don't think anyone accept Rachel reads this blog so I guess I can't tag anyone. Sad day.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Plethora of Thoughts

Real classes have started! Woohoo! So far it's nothing to get too excited about. My psychology teacher is hilarious, my chemistry teacher seems nice, I might die in chemistry lab (as I determined during the safety instructions), and I might fall asleep in anatomy and physiology (which is the one course I looked forward to but the teacher just has that monotonous voice).
Today my roommate and I noticed a lovely little place- the Bone Deep tattoo parlour. I wonder what made them think that that would be a good name. When I think of sharp objects penetrating my flesh right down the bone my first reaction is not, "hmm, I think I'd like to do that". I suppose that to some disturbed people that might be appealing though. Sometime after that I saw a car which I think defines a "contradiction in terms"- a Ford Explorer decorated with three sculls on the back (on of which had glowing red eyes) boasting a "respect life" bumper sticker. How exactly do these people think that they are respecting life in their oversized gas-guzzling death car? I will leave you to ponder that oh so important question.
Good night.
and by the way, new pictures of my dorm will be up, hopefully,by tomorow.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Week of College

Well, I sit here on the couch at home after my first week in my dorm. My room is totally awesome! I've still got some decorating to do but it's already looking, as I said, awesome. Unfortunately, I failed to take pictures of my dorm as it was when I left it yesterday, so the only pictures I have to post at the moment are from a couple days ago when it looked much less cool.
I went to Safeway on Wednesday and was surprised by the ease with which I got there. I felt completely comfortable and confident driving there, as though I had been doing it all my life. I felt slightly less confident upon entering the Safeway, however. It's sort of ghetto. They appear to be in the midst of reconstructing it, half the floor has had the linoleum peeled off, the permanent "Safeway" sign on the outside is gone leaving clean spots in the shapes of the letters, and above the door there's the skeleton of a new entrance. The floors are by far the most disturbing to me. It was somewhat of an adventure purchasing a gallon of milk. I had no idea what color lid I was to buy and I couldn't find "2%" on any of the labels. In the, though, I had success.
I must also mention someone who has very quickly become very important to me. Theta the beta, my dear fish. I am very fond of him. He's a curious but somewhat timid little fish, he gets very excited when I feed him, and he loves to swim around with his beautiful red fins all spread out. He makes me happy.
I suppose I should also say something of my roommates. They're nice and very querky (however you spell that). We've got some similar interests but we're very different.
I start classes on Monday and I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about that.
There are more pictures on my picasa.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh My Gosh!

So, in case there's anyone other than my sister reading this blog I will be begin be saying that the backpacking trip was awesome! Such a fun time. Secondly, my sister (Rachel) and my brother-in-law (Stephen) were out here visiting for a week. That was so great! We went to Crested Butte and it was, to say the least, cool. They left yesterday, so sad.
Now that we've got those important pieces of news settled, on to the "oh my gosh" part. I'm moving to college tomorow! Ahhhh! Honestly, I'm not feeling at all nervous (at the moment), but that's only because I really don't realize what's going on. I'm all packed up and my bags take up half the floor space in my room, which stresses my out, but I wont realize that I'm moving until my parents leave me at my dorm tomorow. I have become increasingly more glad that I'm not going out of state because that would make this whole moving in thing so much more complicated. As it is I can feel pretty chill about the whole thing becuase if I forget anything, it (and my parents) is only an hour away.