I should say "my fish prince" really, for he is, in fact, Theta the Beta (who, for any of you who may have missed it, is my beta fish). I have come to the conclusion that dear Theta is in love with me. Each time he sees me he swims toward me and pushes against the glass (he's obviously desperate to get to me). We will reason this through, well, reasonably, and scientifically; a fish cannot be in love with me (for obvious reasons), so Theta (who so obviously IS in love with me) cannot be a fish, therefore he MUST be a prince who was turned into a fish by some turn of remarkably ill luck.
He has been trying very hard to get to me so that I might kiss him and turn him back into a prince. He seems to have all but given up on the pushing-on-the-glass method and is now trying a new method of escaping his glass prison- digging. Almost every time I have arrived home the past couple days I have been alarmed to see him with his head buried in the marbles at the bottom of his bowl. Poor Theta. This method has failed him too, and as I will not be kissing his little fishy face anyway, he might as well give up his hopes of being a prince again. Poor prince Theta.
And now... reality!
I got a 99% on my anatomy lab test! Yay!
On Sunday night I went swing dancing (including lindy hop lessons!) and saw one of my teachers there! It was during the lesson before the dance began (and after the lindy lessons) and during that part we rotate partners, so we had dance together. Very awkward- for both of us I think. (In other swing dancing news- I signed up to be on the new swing dancing team at school)
I joined a Bible study. That should be really good.
I have no new campus oddities to report, but I do have one old one- the mysterious noises from the new engineering building. Strange animal noises (I think they sound vaguely like amazon rain forest noises) have proceeded from the new engineering building since I started classes. Now the noises emanate from the clock tower in the building next to the engineering building. I haven't the slightest clue what to make of it.
Love you all!