After a rather lengthy break in my storytelling I shall continue with Wednesday.
Wednesday was the beginning of the conference we were working with (the Call Africa). The conference consisted of a pastors' meeting in the morning and a rally for anyone in the area who wanted to come in the afternoon. There were 4 different locations in and around Moshi and each team went to a different location each day.
There isn't much to say about Wednesday. It was a good day, but a day in which very little that was particularly memorable occured (to me at least, that's not to say the rest of the team didn't have memorable experiences that day). There is one person who sticks out in my mind from that day. A man who's right arm and leg were paralyzed. I prayed for him and the moment I had finished speaking he started, slowly, to move his arm, then his leg, and as he did so his face lit up with the biggest grin I think it could contain.
Thursday, in comparison, was very exciting. First we were unexpectedly joined by a group of high school students from New Zealand who had apparently been invited by one of the local pastors. They could not minister with us becuase only people who are with GMA are allowed to minister at their conferences (after all, they don't want people who's intentions and training they don't know being associated with them) but they performed the songs they had prepared (the national anthem of New Zealand and a maori war dance) which were met by the assembled crowd with great appreciation.
Anyway, on to the real stories. During ministry time after our pastor's sermon one of my teammates and I prayed for a young woman with a demon. The demon left her (hallelujah!) and then she asked us to pray for her feet. We looked and saw nothing wrong with her feet. She explained that she had club feet but as she looked at her feet a sheepish smile cam over her face- she hadn't noticed till that moment that she ahd been healed. God had healed her feet at the same time as setting her free from that demon!
I saw a lot of people healed that evening and there were a lot of people set free from demons, but that story is the one that really sticks out.
Moving My Blog
12 years ago