Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Week of College

Well, I sit here on the couch at home after my first week in my dorm. My room is totally awesome! I've still got some decorating to do but it's already looking, as I said, awesome. Unfortunately, I failed to take pictures of my dorm as it was when I left it yesterday, so the only pictures I have to post at the moment are from a couple days ago when it looked much less cool.
I went to Safeway on Wednesday and was surprised by the ease with which I got there. I felt completely comfortable and confident driving there, as though I had been doing it all my life. I felt slightly less confident upon entering the Safeway, however. It's sort of ghetto. They appear to be in the midst of reconstructing it, half the floor has had the linoleum peeled off, the permanent "Safeway" sign on the outside is gone leaving clean spots in the shapes of the letters, and above the door there's the skeleton of a new entrance. The floors are by far the most disturbing to me. It was somewhat of an adventure purchasing a gallon of milk. I had no idea what color lid I was to buy and I couldn't find "2%" on any of the labels. In the, though, I had success.
I must also mention someone who has very quickly become very important to me. Theta the beta, my dear fish. I am very fond of him. He's a curious but somewhat timid little fish, he gets very excited when I feed him, and he loves to swim around with his beautiful red fins all spread out. He makes me happy.
I suppose I should also say something of my roommates. They're nice and very querky (however you spell that). We've got some similar interests but we're very different.
I start classes on Monday and I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about that.
There are more pictures on my picasa.


RachelRenae said...

Stephen says not to tell your roommates about your blog so that you can write about them! Bad Stephen.

I love your bedspread. You dorm looks so cute- I can't wait to see pictures of it current!

But what will happen to Theta over weekends? And what about when you are gone for Christmas break? Will you bring him home? I do think I should meet this very important fish.

StephenH said...

Hey Amy - so I used to have a Siamese fighting fish (aka beta fish) and if you put a mirror outside of his bowl, we will attack his own reflection. Just don't do it too much. I think my fish suffered some brain injuries, eventually leading to his demise.

Amy said...

Rachel- of course I will bring Theta home over Christmas! I still have the cup he came in so I can bring him home in that. As for weekends, he can manage a couple days without me.
Stephen- hahaha! your poor fish. I'll have to try that. I'll be careful not to give Theta brain damage.

RachelRenae said...

"While you were in that coma, did you feel your brain getting damaged?"

Amy said...


j.matson said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHha. Ha. I have found your blog and oh so stealthily infultrated it. Go me. Just had to write you to tell you how utterly lucky you are to be able to "run to a Safeway" and know exactly what you are going to buy. They don't even use percentages on the milk here. :( Anywho, I love you and will try to be a more active participant on your blog! Rachaels too. Fare-thee-well COMRADE!