Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Plethora of Thoughts

Real classes have started! Woohoo! So far it's nothing to get too excited about. My psychology teacher is hilarious, my chemistry teacher seems nice, I might die in chemistry lab (as I determined during the safety instructions), and I might fall asleep in anatomy and physiology (which is the one course I looked forward to but the teacher just has that monotonous voice).
Today my roommate and I noticed a lovely little place- the Bone Deep tattoo parlour. I wonder what made them think that that would be a good name. When I think of sharp objects penetrating my flesh right down the bone my first reaction is not, "hmm, I think I'd like to do that". I suppose that to some disturbed people that might be appealing though. Sometime after that I saw a car which I think defines a "contradiction in terms"- a Ford Explorer decorated with three sculls on the back (on of which had glowing red eyes) boasting a "respect life" bumper sticker. How exactly do these people think that they are respecting life in their oversized gas-guzzling death car? I will leave you to ponder that oh so important question.
Good night.
and by the way, new pictures of my dorm will be up, hopefully,by tomorow.


RachelRenae said...

"oversized gas guzzling death car" is going to make me laugh for days. I can't imagine what kind of a person is driving the car... maybe the same person who would go to bone-deep tattoo parlour?

I'm glad you don't hate your classes so far. Maybe try to figure out what kind a fruit or vegetable your monotonous professor sounds like, and then picture them as such. That's bound to liven things up.

Amy said...

I'm glad the over-sized gas guzzling death car has brought such joy to your week.
Imagining my professors as the fruit they sound like may liven things up but the question is, will it help me pay attention to what said professors are saying?

RachelRenae said...

How could you NOT be hanging on the every spoken word of a talking WATERMELON? HOW, I ask you?

Also Stephen left a comment on one of your new pictures.

Amy said...

That is an exalent point Rachel. Very true.