Sunday, November 16, 2008

On Swing Dancing

So many new posts for you all to read! Aren't you excited?!

As some of you may know I have been getting into swing dancing since starting school. It's a truly wonderful thing. Allow me to expound upon one aspect that I love about dancing: the relationship between the guy and the girl. The guy, or 'young man' I ought to say, comes over to the young lady and offers his hand to her. The young lady accepts and follows him to the dance floor. The young man gently leads the young lady where he wants her to move. The young lady could, of course, simply not do as her partner leads her but there are so many lovely moves that are rendered impossible when she doesn't wait and follow. The young man is respectful in all he does; in the way he touches her, in the way he leads her. At the end of the song he dips the young lady. He holds her gently and makes sure she doesn't fall. I think it's beautiful the way this works. It seems to go against a lot of what our culture dictates about the way men and women should relate to each other. I've also noticed that the worst guys to dance with are the ones that think their good; they never are, and they're terrible at leading, the humble ones are the ones you can enjoy dancing with even if they're not that good. Swing dancing is so refreshing and I think it has helped (at least a little) to mature in the way that I relate to guys, I'm very glad I got into doing it.


RachelRenae said...

The term I prefer over "young man" is "lab professor".

Joking aside, I'm really glad you're getting to experience this. I've never really danced, so it's not something I know about... but I think the chivalry that's innate in any kind of partner dance is a beautiful thing.

Janella said...

Technically the "lab professor" is just a senior......