Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Departure of Arch-Nemesis Lauren (and other tales)

First of all, I must apologize profusely for having not blogged in over a month (i have a life, and homework). That is why we must mix various tales into one.

Part I: Amy vs Arch-Nemesis Lauren
One day I was in my apartment taking care of various chores. As I was cleaning our living room/kitchen I noticed an oddity; there was a suitcase in the room. Though I did not recognize the first name on the suitcase's label the last name I recognized immediately- Hart- the last name of my arch-nemesis. I then noticed another oddity; there were dishes stacked haphazardly on the nefarious Lauren's black swivel chair. An idea came into my head too good for me to even put into words in my own head for fear that I might be mistaken. I rushed to our bathroom to discover all of the articles that Lauren had provided gone. I sat on my bed for hours working on my homework, trying not to think of that too-good-to-be-true idea and finally I was rewarded with an overheard conversation between another roommate and my enemy. My hearty leaped within me as i listened clandestinely to the words of that conversation. It was true! Praise Jesus, it was true! Yes, dear freinds, she's leaving, my arch-nemesis is on her way out! She's not completely out yet (the actual date of her departure is "up in the air") but she is indeed going to leave. In the meantime she is on her best behavior because she is aware of my vendetta against her and my roommate and my plan to turn her in at the least sign of trouble.

Part II: Rid of Another Bother
I must also tell you all the other most annoying person in my life; Joe the one who was awkward, and sorta creepy and asked me out in a text message, will no longer be around to bother me. Are you prepared for the hilarity of the reason? He is planning on leaving the hobo gang he's in and finding a job. Yes folks, he was in a hobo gang. "What is a hobo gang?" you may ask. Well, I don't know but apparently they do in fact exist.

Part III: Many Adventures
The past weeks have been filled with many glorious adventures, and I am pleased to say that I now feel completely comfortable and normal being in the Springs even during the weekend. One of my friends and I have been exploring the city each weekend. So far we have figured out how to get to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, explored a palatial hotel (the Broadmoor), and found the cutest little coffee shop. Another friend and I managed to almost burn down my apartment (I use the phrase loosely) twice within the course of 24 hours. One of my roommates decided it would be a good idea to store a flammable pizza box in the oven-a fact which I did not discover until AFTER preheating the oven, and apparently chocolate pancakes cook faster than regular pancakes and hence burn sooner. My freinds from the swing dance team and I have gone to Denver 2 saturdays in a row to go dancing- insane? probably. And the next adventure on my list- changing the headlight by myself.


a.matson said...

Congratulations on the departure of your arch-nemesis! That must be call for celebration indeed!:) I think I'm probably behind....what has she been doing that you and your other roommate could turn her in for? Yay for the departure of Joe, too. The idea of a hobo gang is kinda frightening, gotta admit. I'm glad that you are feeling at home in CO Springs (though the near-catastrophic pancake incident at your official all-grown-up apartment - you sound so independent! - sounds less than positive. I would probably stay away from griddles if I were you.). As usual, I highly enjoyed your blog!

Janella said...

Haha!! I didn't know you were making chocolate pancakes - how funny that they burn easier.

I wish Lauren would just go. What's up with all that? I'm surprised she's not out yet. At least she's behaving herself, but I can't believe she hasn't slipped up yet for you guys to catch her at something naughty.

Anonymous said...

did you ever read the said comment by non other than myself in the last blog?

Amy said...

Analyse- So Lauren has smoked pot in our apartment, had alcohol in our apartment, and, to put it simply (i can give you the full story sometime), had guys in our apartment late at night. I still havn't figured out what to think about the hobo gang. I'm glad you enjoyed my stories.

Mommy- My theory is that since the chocolate chip pancake batter was about half chocolate chips there was less batter to cook and that's why it burned faster. but who knows.

Becky- I did read the comment you made on my last blog, i just forgot to comment. :D