Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Week of Epic-ness

First, I have blessed you all with more pictures on picasa!

This week has been a week filled with epic adventures.
1) Epic adventure #1: I had a bunch of freinds over to my apartment and made pumpkin pie and spaghetti. First Brooke and I went to Safeway (which in itself is a thrilling adventure- at least the way I shop). We scoured the whole store for the pre-made pie crusts before finally being directed to the only aisle we had not been down. The pies turned out beautifully although we (being impatient college kids) didn't give them the required two hours to cool. Instead we put them in front of windows opened to the cold night air. it took two of us working together (one holding plate and knife, the other holding spoon and fork) to get each sloppy piece out. I neglected to buy whipped cream but we had a tiny amount of heavy whipping cream left after making the pies so we added some sugar to it and whipped it using a fork (Jenna and I did the actual whipping, Stephanie and Devon watched). Aparently, as the internet informed us, it is indeed possible to over-whip whipped cream, when this happens you end up with butter. I think we were nearing the butter faze when we decided we had thoroughly whipped it.

2) Epic adventure #2: Some friends and I went to Target after dinner and before the Navigator's meeting. We had a pretty fun time. We descovered a lovely children's book entitled "Barack" with an animated picture of Obama on the front. Next to it was a similar McCain book.

3) Epic adventure #3: Brooke and I saw Quantum of Solace at midnight on Thursday. We got there really early expecting lots of people and for a long time were the only poeple in the theater. We felt very lame. But more people showed up.

I hope you all enjoyed hearing about the epic-ness of my week.


RachelRenae said...

#1: your pie sounds ridiculously succesful compared with some of my baking undertakings (remember the mac and cheese?) besides, what could be better than pumkin pudding and whipped butter in a store-bought crust?!?

#2: I'm just wondering how many parents chose to buy both books... in order to give their kids a fair and balanced view?

#3: Do you know why no one was there? Because James Bond sucks. SUCKS!!!

RachelRenae said...

you have comments on your picasa now! Please to be checking kthxbai!

Amy said...

#1: It was awesome! and of course I remember that mac and cheese!

#2: I'm guessing not many parents bought both. What i wonder is what parents buy their kids political books anyway?

#3: hahahahahaha!

StephenH said...

So, the mom said the secret is to wait until the top of the pie starts to crack - when your pie is on crack, you know it is done all the way through.