Sunday, November 16, 2008

On Swing Dancing

So many new posts for you all to read! Aren't you excited?!

As some of you may know I have been getting into swing dancing since starting school. It's a truly wonderful thing. Allow me to expound upon one aspect that I love about dancing: the relationship between the guy and the girl. The guy, or 'young man' I ought to say, comes over to the young lady and offers his hand to her. The young lady accepts and follows him to the dance floor. The young man gently leads the young lady where he wants her to move. The young lady could, of course, simply not do as her partner leads her but there are so many lovely moves that are rendered impossible when she doesn't wait and follow. The young man is respectful in all he does; in the way he touches her, in the way he leads her. At the end of the song he dips the young lady. He holds her gently and makes sure she doesn't fall. I think it's beautiful the way this works. It seems to go against a lot of what our culture dictates about the way men and women should relate to each other. I've also noticed that the worst guys to dance with are the ones that think their good; they never are, and they're terrible at leading, the humble ones are the ones you can enjoy dancing with even if they're not that good. Swing dancing is so refreshing and I think it has helped (at least a little) to mature in the way that I relate to guys, I'm very glad I got into doing it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Week of Epic-ness

First, I have blessed you all with more pictures on picasa!

This week has been a week filled with epic adventures.
1) Epic adventure #1: I had a bunch of freinds over to my apartment and made pumpkin pie and spaghetti. First Brooke and I went to Safeway (which in itself is a thrilling adventure- at least the way I shop). We scoured the whole store for the pre-made pie crusts before finally being directed to the only aisle we had not been down. The pies turned out beautifully although we (being impatient college kids) didn't give them the required two hours to cool. Instead we put them in front of windows opened to the cold night air. it took two of us working together (one holding plate and knife, the other holding spoon and fork) to get each sloppy piece out. I neglected to buy whipped cream but we had a tiny amount of heavy whipping cream left after making the pies so we added some sugar to it and whipped it using a fork (Jenna and I did the actual whipping, Stephanie and Devon watched). Aparently, as the internet informed us, it is indeed possible to over-whip whipped cream, when this happens you end up with butter. I think we were nearing the butter faze when we decided we had thoroughly whipped it.

2) Epic adventure #2: Some friends and I went to Target after dinner and before the Navigator's meeting. We had a pretty fun time. We descovered a lovely children's book entitled "Barack" with an animated picture of Obama on the front. Next to it was a similar McCain book.

3) Epic adventure #3: Brooke and I saw Quantum of Solace at midnight on Thursday. We got there really early expecting lots of people and for a long time were the only poeple in the theater. We felt very lame. But more people showed up.

I hope you all enjoyed hearing about the epic-ness of my week.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I am so overwhelmed right now. There's so much that I have to do. I have a psychology exam on Monday, and the hardest English paper of my life to write by Thursday. I have to work on memorizing the muscles in the arms and legs and reviewing everything we've covered in anatomy so far. It's getting time for thinking about Christmas presents but I have no money and I'm going to have to make all of them so I need to figure out what on earth I can make for everyone. I need to look into holiday jobs so I can try to make a little money. I'm praying about going on another mission trip next summer (should I go?, where should I go?, what about going on a road trip with Shannon?, do either of us have the money for a road trip anyway?). So many things to think about! And I thought (briefly) about the possibility of joining ROTC, but it seems hasty and, well, insane, to agree to being in the army for four years after graduation, regardless of what the benefits are, so I will certainly not be doing that (baring the audible voice of God commanding me to do so which I think is unlikely).

As I write these things out they seem much less important. Really, I suppose they're all pretty small things. I find it interesting, and quite timely, that on Wednesday at Navigator's our speakers talked about trusting God. Something I need to work on doing perhaps?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I feel like I havn't posted for a while so I'll give you all a short message (since I know al of you are eagerlt awaiting word from me). I went to a regional conference for the Navigators (a christian college group) up in Estes Park. It was freakin awesome! It was exactly what I needed. God did awesome stuff with lots of people and really touched everyone. And hanging out with all my Navs friends was a lot of fun.

Sorry for not writing in more detail but I'm exhausted.

Love you all!

P.S. Pictures hopefully soon to come.
