Saturday, April 25, 2009


So, as you all know I have been in need of money for this mission trip. Well, for the past few weeks I haven't had any real hope that I was going to go. I keep saying "If God really wants me to go He'll provide the money even though it seems impossible" but I haven't actually thought I was going to go. I was just going to wait till May 15 (at which point I need all the money in) and then drop out of the trip if (and when) the money didn't come.

I came home for the weekend and upon arriving home found an envelope on my dresser. It was from my church. It was a check from my church (I have not filled out the application for financial assistance from the mission board- I was going to do that this weekend). I was somewhat surprised and pleased- that is until I opened the envelope and looked at the check- then I was whole lot more than just SOMEWHAT surprised or pleased- shocked, amazed, dumbfounded, ecstatic, might work better. Let's just put it this way- it was far more than i would have dared to expect or hope for. Suddenly this mission trip thing is seeming a lot more possible! Which is perhaps the scarier possibility!

(In other news, i think you should all know that there is a "Large Wife Sale" going on in my neighborhood. No joke! I saw a sign for it when I got off the highway!)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I havn't posted for a while. Sorry.
so, let me attempt to catch you up a bit. There really isn't much to tell so it should be easy.
My swing dance team (the Cat's Pajamas) competed at the Intercollegiate Swing Battle a couple weeks ago. We didn't place, but we didn't expect to, or really care, we just wanted to have fun- which we did! WE had tons of fun, it rocked. And we didn't get last! Which is great because we're a new team and most of us are new dancers. I ended up dancing 5 nights in a row. It rocked.
I think that just might be all the news I have to share with you right now. Lame. Well I'm still doing well in classes, I had two tests yesterday, it's snowing which ruined my plans to go dancing in Denver tonight (and also cancelled dancing last night) and it's time to sign up for classes for next semester. Oh, and I'm going to try to find a job for summer (i'm not so sure that that will work out) and I still need money for Tanzania so be praying for that cause I know that God is fully capable of providing everything I need and that he wil give me the money if he wants me to go.

Lve you all!