Friday, September 26, 2008


Before I forget, I must tell you all of some wonderful signs that have appeared in my building. They have a picture of a shower and say "Save Water- Shower Together". Did nobody think things through before hanging that poster all over the building?

On Wednesday I ate a spoon full of butter. Why you may ask. I went to Village in with Navigators after the meeting and a cup of butter came with my waffle. One of my friends, Josh, said that he would eat half of the butter if I ate half and naturally I agreed (why wouldn't I?). So we each ate a spoonful all at once. It was so gross! I could feel my arteries clogging as the butter slithered down my throat. We tried to wash it down with chunks of ham from another girls meal, then some else's leftover cheesecake. "Just a spoonful of butter helps the ham and cheesecake go down?"


Janella said...

Perhaps the "shower together" posters are not, shall we say, totally official?? Hmmmm.

A butter eating challenge? Silly college students. Washing it down with chunks of ham (was it lean?) and cheesecake surely makes lots of sense!

Amy said...

Indeed the posters do appear entirely official.

It may have been lean. Well, it wouldn't do to try to wash it down with water becuase butter repels water so we needed actual food. Ham and cheesecake were the only things on hand.

Janella said...

What a smarty! I guess water wouldn't have been the best choice for washing butter down. Whatever works, eh?

RachelRenae said...

seems sensible enough to me. (not the shower thing, the butter-ham-cheesecake thing)

Amy said...

on my earlier comment I meant to say that the poster do NOT appear official. I felt I needed to correct that.

Janella said...

Ahh, the posters are indeed NOT official. Have they been removed?

j.matson said...

We have similar posters! But NZ is all green like, so ours are indeed official.