Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Campus Republicans

Today at my college's club fair I was accosted twice by overzealous members of the Campus Republicans. This large young man was standing in front of the booth (with a few of his comrades) holding a clipboard and asked me if I would sign up with them. I politely refused. He asked again. Upon receiving my second refusal he asked if I support Obama in a mocking sort of voice. I am in fact registered as a Republican and I don't much care for Obama (I have not done much research on him though) but even so I was highly offended that he talked to me like that. I wish that I had told him all the rude things that were in my mind to say, but I, prefering to be nice and avoid confrontation merely appeased him by writing my email address on his clipboard and then threw away the pamphlet he'd given me. Later on I was asked by a different member of the club to sign up with them. I politely refused and just kept walking- the girl didn't press the issue. I'm now somewhat afraid of the Campus Republicans and I can't say that my opinion of them is very high.
On a more positive note, I found several interesting groups that I signed up with. And I had a very successful grocery shopping trip at my non-ghetto Safeway- I got al the cheapest brands and spent less than $100.


RachelRenae said...

This is why I so resent the assumption that in order to call yourself a real Christian, you must vote republican.

When he asked you if you were for Obama, you should have said "Well, I drive a Subaru. What do YOU think?" and just walked off.

Or, even better, you could have shouted "Grizzly Bear 08!" in his face, and keep shouting it as you walk away.

StephenH said...

So, which clubs did you sign up with?

I, also a registered Republican who is voting Republican, am not a big fan of being Republican. The sad truth is that being a Republican is just not in vogue. If the Mac and PC guys were to be asked their political affiliation, I am certain that Mac would be a Democrat and PC would be a staunchy Republican.

Democrats are way cooler, chicer and sleeker. Unfortunately they are pro-choice, pro-tax and ultimately seem to be aiming at making us a socialist nation, which, according to Animal Farm, is not cool.

Amy said...

Your right! I forgot about Grizzly Bear! I must remember that for the next political confrontation I get into. It's sure to end all debate.
I signed up with Snowriders-you get a huge discount with them, i think the guys said it's $10 per trip-, with navigators (i went to their meeting Wed. night and it was awesome, we played glow ultimate frisbee) and a couple other Christian groups, the student nurses association, swing dancing, and an anti-genocide thing.
You are very right Stephen. Nice literary example.

RachelRenae said...

I feel so embarrassed that I've never read Animal Farm.

Did you know that Daddy did Navigators?

Amy said...

I did know that Daddy did Navigators.